How do I journal when I don’t know what to write?
My Perspective
Why do we journal? Well, I can’t answer that for you, but I know why I do—I journal to process. I process my thoughts, my feelings, my day… whatever is swirling in my mind.
But some days, the words won’t come. My thoughts feel like a tangled mess, and staring at a blank page only makes it worse. That’s when I turn to an alternative way to process: I borrow words.
For me, those words often come from music. Music has always been more than just background noise—it’s a lifeline. It’s helped me through the hardest seasons of my life, giving me language for emotions I couldn’t quite name on my own. I listen almost constantly, not just for entertainment, but because music helps me process, pray, and express what I feel—to others, to God, and even to myself.
The song "This is a Song" by Stephen Wilson Jr. illustrates the power of music perfectly. A song can carry you through, give you words when you have none, and express emotions you didn’t even realize you were feeling.
When I don’t know what to write, I listen. Sometimes, I’ll write down the lyrics or ideas that resonate. Other times, I don’t need to write anything at all because I’ve already found the cathartic release I was hoping to get from journaling—just by listening or singing along. Music unlocks something in me that allows me to process my emotions in deeper, richer ways.
Journaling—or just making sense of what’s going on inside you—doesn’t have to start from scratch. You can borrow. Let a song be your starting point. Let someone else’s words help you find your own when you can’t.
Below is a playlist that has meant a ton to me over the past couple of months. These songs have given me words for my journey for the past several years, it has helped me process, and sometimes, just let me sit in a feeling until I was ready to move forward.
It feels a little uncomfortable sharing this, almost like opening up my journal for the world to see. But maybe you’ll find some of your own words in these songs. Or maybe it will inspire you to create your own soundtrack—one that helps you process, reflect, and move forward.
Our lives are too beautiful and too potent not to be set to music.